Update: Economy Still Hammering American Idol, More Layoffs
February 27, 2009 -- Santa Monica, CA. There are no signs the sagging economy will let up, as evident by another shocking episode of "American Idol." It was just last week when Thank God For the Internet Blog broke the story of contestant layoffs happening at 'Idol,' but tragedy has struck again.
In last night's episode, an unsuspecting audience of millions was left shocked and distraught after being forced to witness another nine layoffs. The events are casting even more doubt over whether the United States will ever climb out of its economic mess. "It was just two nights ago when Obama did his speech; he said the economy was going to be fine and jobs would be saved. What the hell is going on here? How can 'Idol' layoff another nine contestants? What are those poor people going to do for food and work now," questioned a crying fan who kept her name confidential.
"I thought the layoffs were done after last week and that maybe the government would bail them out or something. But to see it happen again, this time right before my eyes, I can't even begin to describe the pain. The sadness and heartache in the eyes of those contestants who were fired will never escape me. I thought America was where people came to have their dreams come true, but now I'll have nightmares forever," said Cat McGun, an 'Idol' fan who flew in from London to see last night's episode.
Like last week, the four judges didn't show much emotion as they watched contestants be fired. And signs saying "cold hearted," "not again" and "not my kind of America" were displayed by many fans who demonstrated their disapproval with America's #1 show. 'Idol' execs still refuse to comment on the layoffs, but the reporters here at Thank God For the Internet Blog will continue following this story and provide updates when news breaks.
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