Real Slumdogs Want A Piece of Millionaire Action
February 22, 2009 -- Santa Monica, CA. Even if Slumdog Millionaire doesn't win the Oscar for Best Picture on Sunday night, the rise of this inspirational film has left its mark on the world, as evident by staggering grosses topping $150M worldwide. Not bad for a movie that only cost $15M to make. But the film's fortune may be in danger.
Even though the film is set in India, many of America's homeless and slumlords, who refer to themselves as "the real slumdogs," are seeking financial compensation for "their story being jacked," according to their lawyer. "Look at me; I'm living the life on the streets of Beverly Hills. It wasn't easy - I started in Fresno, but I kept the faith. And I didn't need no game show to do it. This movie is my story and aint no one gave me a check yet," said a pale, blonde haired Beverly Hills homeless man who goes by the name Dennis the Menace.
And it's not just the homeless who feel cheated. Those who prosper in the slums and create the ladder for getting out are also seeking compensation. A notorious Los Angeles drug dealer said, "We're all down with this tight flick, but we gots to get paid, yo. The slums belong to us. Aint no one gonna steal our stories again. Either give me a check or put me in a movie."
As of press time, "real slumdog" groups across the nation are discussing possible legal action. The reporters here at www.thankgodfortheinternet.blogspot.com/ will continue investigating this story and we'll update you when news breaks. In the mean time, while you're sitting on your couch watching the Oscars in HD, we sincerely recommend you donate some money or free time to a local charity that helps the homeless.
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